Outdoor Wellness & Play Systems

Design Inspires Engagement

One of the best ways to improve your health is by getting active and exercising. Fortunately, you do not have to be a fitness expert or visit the gym to stay active. Over the past years, experts in sports engineering and recreation have created a system that allows you to partake in physical activities while also being surrounded by nature.

Outdoor children’s play and adult exercise areas have become an integral part of any development’s amenity program.

There are three key factors that grant success for any children’s commercial play area and fitness facilities.

WOW FACTOR is the child’s moment of arrival. It creates an expectation of action, the legs want to run wildly in search of adventure, and it satisfies the child’s instinctive demand for change, variety, and advancement.

STAY FACTOR ensures that each time a play feature is approached it promises a fresh encounter open to new interpretation.

DEVELOP FACTOR means that although play is all about fun and laughter, it is also about development, personal, cooperative, and competitive. Development factor crafts ways in which a child develops motor skills, coordination, balance, with intellectual learning and cognitive development.

This is the unique Kompan way and it shows in all of their products and design. Sports Engineering And Recreation Asia Ltd. (SEARA) is proud to be associated with the best in commercial children’s play facilities.

MyEQUILIBRIA tears down the boundaries between art, and high end fitness equipment.

MyEQUILIBRIA is a categorical improvement in outdoor wellness for adults. Their products are engineered around bodyweight and functional training that redefines the work out experience and the benefits of open-air workouts. A relatively small space in any development can become an outdoor wellness park with the right installation, encouraging the active lifestyle of guests and tenants as well as a distinct design statement.

Sports Engineering and Recreation Asia Ltd. (Seara) offers a range of outdoor sports facilities in Southeast Asia—including Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.


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